UPDATE: I tried installing MPlayer and Xine using yumex and both installed and ran without incident. This really underlines the point made above, that getting yum configured properly is the key to getting the most out of your linux installation.
Some assumptions:
1. You're running Yellowdog 5.0 Linux on the PS3 (Firstly, it's not tough to install, secondly, if you're running Yellowdog 6.0 or higher please take a look at Roberto's comment below)
2. You selected the full install option (can't remember if you get a choice with the PS3)
3. You have an internet connection (PS3's built in WiFi wasn't working last time I checked but a wired Ethernet connection seems to work fine)
4. You're running Yellowdog under GNOME (before you enter your username and password to login, click on "Session" and Select GNOME)
5. You have a copy of the Yellowdog DVD inserted in the PS3's drive (or a copy of the RPMs on connected storage)
6. You're logged in as root (This isn't necessary if you know what you're doing but if you don't then that's the way I would go.)
1. What does YUM do?
I've talked about YUM in a previous post. However, I didn't provide too many details, something I aim to rectify now.
For those of you familiar with Microsoft's Windows Update Tool, YUM should be fairly easy grasp at the conceptual level. The key difference is that YUM lets you choose where you look for updates, whereas with the Microsoft Tool you don't have to worry about this step.
Another notable difference is that on a Windows System you can get by comfortably without running the Windows Update Tool (not recommended), on a Linux System life without YUM is very painful; there are a lot of tools and applications available for free download to linux systems, YUM makes it easy to get your hands on this software. Without YUM, or some other alternative, getting this software can be a time consuming and frustrating experience.
2. How do I configure YUM?
Firstly, if you've installed Yellowdog on the PS3, YUM has already been installed for you. You can test this by opening up a Terminal (Menu: Applications->Accessories -->Terminal) and typing yum:
Pointing to the right updates:
I've already mentioned that a key activity is to point yum to the right updates. Unfortunately I'm not a Linux expert so I can only show you which update libraries I've configured and how I've configured them.
UPDATE: Apr 11, 2008
It's been a while since I published this and it appears that Yellowdog has updated to v6.0. "Roberto" has left an important comment (April 11th, 2008) that illustrates how to go about making the necessary changes. Thanks Roberto!
Pointing to the right updates involves changing some files and creating some files. The first file you have to change is called yum.conf. You can find this file by navigating to your Computer in GNOME's explorer (Menu: Places->Computer) and double clicking on the etc Folder.
# PUT YOUR REPOS HERE OR IN separate files named file.repo
# in /etc/yum.repos.d
Next scroll up above the yum.conf file in the etc folder and open the folder called yum.repos.d. You'll should find 3 files in this folder:
a. yellowdog-base.repo
b. yellowdog-updates.repo
c. yellowdog-extras.repo
The contents of these 3 files should be modified as follows:
a. yellowdog-base.repo:
name=Yellow Dog Linux 5.0 Base
b. yellowdog-updates.repo
name=Yellow Dog Linux 5.0 Updates
c. yellowdog-extras.repo
name=Yellow Dog Linux 5.0 Extras
In addition to these 3 files we'll be adding 3 more. The following files should be created (right click on an empty spot in the folder and select Create Document->Empty File)
a. ydl-extras.repo
name=YDL Extras
b. Fedora-Extras.repo
name=Fedora Extras
c. livna.repo
name=Livna.org Fedora Compatible Packages (stable)
d. freshrpms.repo
That's all there is to it. yum should now be configured and you're ready to download your first update.
3. Installing YUMEX
As I mentioned earlier you don't have to run YUM in Terminal. There is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) available for the YUM tool and you can use YUM to download and install this tool.
UPDATE: Jan 30 2007
Thanks to some comments below I discovered that FreshRPMS doesn't provide yumex and running yum search yumex, without making some modifications to your yum configuration, will fail. In order to get around this do the following:
a. Modify Fedora-Extras.repo as follows:
name=Fedora Extras
Now running yum search yumex should work. Follow the section below on installing yumex (yum install yumex) and when you're done revert the Fedora-Extras.repo:
name=Fedora Extras
Note: The fedora-extras repo contains more than 6000 packages, keeping it enabled all the time will slow down your "yuming" experience!
Open Terminal and type yum search yumex If all went well you should see something like this:
# yum search yumex
Loading "installonlyn" plugin
Searching Packages:
Setting up repositories
base [1/4]
base 100% ========================= 1.1 kB 00:00
updates [2/4]
updates 100% ========================= 951 B 00:00
freshrpms [3/4]
freshrpms 100% ========================= 951 B 00:00
extras [4/4]
extras 100% ========================= 951 B 00:00
Reading repository metadata in from local files
primary.xml.gz 100% ========================= 759 kB 00:05
base : ################################################## 2208/2208
Added 2208 new packages, deleted 9 old in 25.77 seconds
yumex.noarch 1.0.3-3.0.fc5 installed
Matched from:
Assuming you successfully found yumex (It should be found by the FreshRPMS.repo you created earlier) go ahead and install it by typing in Terminal: yum install yumex
Once the package is installed type: yumex in Terminal and wait for YUMEX to open.
4. Installing VLC with YUMEX
Understanding Dependencies:
When you try to install software with YUM, it will often check to see if the software you wish to install requires other software to be preinstalled. This is known as "dependency checking". If YUM finds that there are dependencies it will try to locate them and automatically download them to your PC, if it can't find the dependencies the installation fails (and, if you're using yumex, you'll see a lot of red text on the screen)
Enabling REPOS:
If yumex is not open, then type yumex in a Terminal window (or Menu: Applications->System Tools->Yum Extender)
Once yumex opens you're ready to enable / disable repos. To work with REPOS click on the REPOS icon. You'll see new view containing a list of your REPOS. Check REPOS you want to enable and uncheck those you want to disable.
VLC's required REPOS:
The VLC installer is available through FreshRPMS, however, on my system, VLC had approximately 18 dependencies. Dependencies, in this context, refers to software that must be installed prior to installing the software you're actually trying to install. In VLC's case these dependencies found through the Fedora-Extras REPO and not the FreshRPMS repo. Therefore make sure that both Fedora-Extras and FreshRPMS are selected and press the Refresh Button.
UPDATE: If you have problems with SDL_Image/libSDL
SDL 1.2 is actually available on the Yellowdog DVD. I know this because that's how I installed it. Once SDL is installed you shouldn't have any problems installing SDL_Image. If you configured YUM to include the YDL-EXTRAS (that's the Yellowdog DVD Repo you created earlier) you should be able to find SDL by searching for it in YUMEX. I'm guessing that if you ensure that the YDL-EXTRAS repo is checked along with Fedora-Extras and FreshRPMS, prior to installing VLC you may not have any problems at all.
Installing VLC:
This next part is simple. All you have to do is:
i. click on the Install Icon
ii. type vlc in the search bar and press the search button
iii. select VideoLAN Client 0.8.5 (i.e. the non development version)
iv. press the add to queue button
v. Click on the Queue ICON
vi. Press Process Queue and hit OK a few times.
Once YUMEX tells you the package has been installed successfully you should find a VideoLAN Client shortcut under your Video and Media menu option (Menu: Applications->Video and Media->VideoLAN Client) I've tested this client using local and streamed Xvid and DivX files and it works reasonably well.
What about VLC 0.8.6+?
I tried very hard to get this to install prior to installing 0.8.5 using yumex. I had partial success, however, VLC refused to detect my FFMPEG installation without which DIVX and Xvid movies will not play. Both of these movie types worked fine on my 0.8.5 installation.
Nice one Raj!
this is going to be awesome... all i need is a PS3 now!
Just wanted to drop by and give you a big thumbs up for the help on getting VLC (and more importantly YUM) running. I also was introduced to the GNOME session through this tutorial. I am new to Linux as well and now that I've gotten this far I am excited to continue learning this OS.
Thanks a lot Travis, it's good to know the info helped. Getting VLC up and running was a real struggle but well worth it in the end. VLC is the only player that has worked really well off the bat(MPlayer has a problem running videos full screen and Xine had issues with Sound Quality) Like MPlayer VLC lets you stream movies simply by connecting to a URL (so if you know how to setup IIS or Apache you can easily stream your movies from a Desktop PC to your PS3 over HTTP)
great info my prob is that when i get to the yum search yumex step it says Loading "installonlyn" plugin
Searching Packages:
Setting up repositories
base [1/4]
updates [2/4]
updates 100% |=========================| 951 B 00:00
freshrpms [3/4]
extras [4/4]
extras 100% |=========================| 951 B 00:00
Reading repository metadata in from local files
No Matches found
Are you sure you've got an internet connection? Try firing up Firefox and see if you can browse any websites.
I have the same problem that I can't find any matches for yumex. I am posting this message from my PS3, so take that as you will. :P
Either I was wrong and FreshRPMS never included yumex or they removed it. I've posted an UPDATE above the section where you install yumex and this should solve the problem. Hope the wait hasn't been too long and thanks for writing your comments.
I almost reflash my ps3 thinking I didt something wrong. Thank for the update will try later tonight
I'm a linux noob....I got stumped by your tutorial very early!
How do you run linux under GNOME?
I have Yellow Dog installed on my PS3...I had to do a text install b/c I'm on a SDTV....
When I'm at kboot...I type ydl480i...Then login with root and password...Then I type "startx"....
There's no option to select Session or Gnome anywhere that I see....
I think when you "startx" you've already started your default windows manager (in this case that may be "Enlightenment" rather than Gnome, but I'm not sure.
I found out that Yellowdog supports the switchdesk command. So in theory you could type switchdesk gnome and this would solve the problem.
I'm not sure how you would get it to always boot to gnome as I'm not really a Linux guy :)
Check out the following links for some extra details:
Useful Forum Post
If you don`t have switchdesk, you can successfully configure yum by following the first few steps of this blogpost. Before you start the yumex part try this:
yum search switchdesk
Hopefully you`ll get some hits and you can install switchdesk by typing:
yum install switchdesk_package_name
If that doesn`t work you may be able to download the RPM directly from here
Hi Nik
You posted your comment to the wrong post. In any case, when you get the cannot find base repo this means yum cannot find one of the REPO's you've set up. In this particular case there is probably one of two things wrong:
a. You don't have internet connection
b. You haven't inserted the yellow dog CD in the PS3
WOW--thank you so much for getting this working. I just hope they get a simple Ubuntu installer soon :D.
Hey dude this worked perfectly for me I have VLC up and running. I was just wondering if it is possible to run VLC under Enlightenment rather than Gnome.
Hey dude this worked perfectly for me I have VLC up and running. I was just wondering if it is possible to run VLC under Enlightenment rather than Gnome.
Glad to hear it worked! Now that you have it installed you could try switching back to Enlightenment and see what happens; I think Yumex and VLC should both be available in Enlightenment already now that they've been installed in Gnome.
If you actually want to see what happens if you try performing the installation under Enlightenment you could uninstall VLC using YUM (or YUMEX) then switch to Enlightenment and try reinstalling it. Note: If it doesn't work you could always switch back to Gnome and reinstall it the same way you did the first time.
I have VLC working but I find that .264 movies don't play well, if at all.
Could you try some HD content on your set and see if they work for you ?
divx/xvid stuff seems fine but the HD avi i tried didn't play
thanks !
I'll give it a go and post my results.
Installed VLC fine on yumex...
But VLC doesn't come up under any of the application tabs! anybody know how to resolve this?
"Anonymous said...
Installed VLC fine on yumex...
But VLC doesn't come up under any of the application tabs! anybody know how to resolve this?"
I have the exact same problem and it is agrivating because there is not even any new folders or file with videolan client or vcl when i sarched for it
Hi! I installed yumex, but when I select vlc in it it won't let me click on the add que button in the top right corner. Does anyone know how to fix it?
For those of you who can't find yumex.
Firstly, are you sure you've accessed yellowdog using gnome interface rather than the default enlightenment desktop manager. If you can see a large circle with a yellow dog in it then you're still in enlightenment. I've written instructions for changing this at the top of the post.
Secondly, you can try searching for VLC by firing up the file viewer tool. I forget what it's called but it's not hard to find. It's the Linux equivalent of Windows Explorer. And search for VideoLAN. Make sure you're searching from the highest point on the tree.
Small correction to my last comment. I meant "For those of you who can't find VLC.
Hey, I'm new to Linux and have it installed already but I have a few questions. I want to have VLC player on YDL but I need that Yumex thing first. I've been following your guide for days and can't get it to work! I log in as root, I am able to change all the files and also create the 4 new ones too. But when I type - yum search yumex - in terminal I get this long thing saying something like - error on line 348 or somthing. I NEED HELP! P.S. I don't need the YDL installation disc in my PS3 as I'm doing this, do I?
Technically you do need the YDL DVD in the PS3 if you're following the instructions exactly. Based on what you've said so far it sounds like there's something wrong with one of the files you've changed / created. But it would be easier to tell if you could provide the exact error you're getting.
Hi, My name is Matt and i seem to be having a bit of a problem. when I try to create the ydl-extras.repo file in the correct folder, it says that I don't have permission. Please advise me as to a solution.
Hi Matt,
The most probable cause of your problem is that you're not logged in as root. When you installed Yellowdog the installation process would have asked you for a root password so use that along with root as the username when you log into Yellowdog.
hi, thanks for the excellent tutorial. Works like a charm.
My only question is, it's installed under gnome but i can't seem to run it under enlightment. Is this normal?
Based on what I learned through google as I was installing all this stuff I believe this is normal. I have no idea why though.
right when I log on to gnome it says No "/dev/pmu" device found
I get that DEV/PMU message as well. I've been ignoring it.
Ill get as far as 'yum install yumex' and i get No match for argument: yumex
Thank you for the great guide, it work but having some problem with this message "Missing Dependency: bind = 30:9.3.2-20.FC5 is needed by package bind-config"
I follow the method above exactly and now i get this message, how do i fix it or do anyone out there having the same problem. with out this install yum is useless now, cant do any update at all.
please any expert linux out there help me fix this problem.
and i also get this message when i log in "No "/dev/pmu" device found" does this do any harm?
i been searching for the answer on the web a few day and there haven an answer to fix this yet. if any one have an anser for this problem please post your fix here please.
many thanks in advance.
Hey thank you ever so much for this. I installed VLC last night but the problem I am having hitherto is that it isn't actually playing any DVDs. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I have a UK PAL PS3 version 1.70 and am trying both Region 1 & 2/NTSC & PAL DVDs.
I think MPlayer will play DVD's but the quality is quite bad. I think we're going to have to wait for Sony to allow Linux direct access to the graphics card, until they do this we're always going to have limits on what we can do.
It works!! I succesfully installed VLC on YellowDog 5.01, on my imac G4.
Thanks for the guide Raj.
Has anyone got any answers to what I think is a connection problem when searching for yumex
[root@localhost ~]# yum search yumex
Loading "installonlyn" plugin
Searching Packages:
Setting up repositories
base [1/5]
http://ftp.yellowdoglinux.com/pub/yellowdog/yum/5.0/base/mirrorlist%3Dhttp%3A/www.terrasoftsolutions.com/resources/yd50-base-mlist/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 12] Timeout: urlopen error timed out
Trying other mirror.
Cannot open/read repomd.xml file for repository: base
failure: repodata/repomd.xml from base: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
Error: failure: repodata/repomd.xml from base: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
[root@localhost ~]#
I'm a bit of a novice when it comes to linux
For anyone beating themselves over server probs, like the post before this one, change the freshrpms.repo line:
"baseurl=http://ayo.freshrpms.net/fedora/linux/5/ppc/freshrpms/" to "baseurl=http://ayo.ie.freshrpms.net/fedora/linux/5/ppc/freshrpms/"
Took me forever to figure that one out, hope it helps the rest of you :D
I'm slowly getting there.
Now I get this far then error message.
Any help greatly appreciated
[root@localhost ~]# yum search yumex
Loading "installonlyn" plugin
Searching Packages:
Setting up repositories
base [1/5]
fedora-extras [2/5]
updates [3/5]
freshrpms [4/5]
Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: freshrpms
Error: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: freshrpms
[root@localhost ~]#
Cheers Shane
There appears to be a problem with the FreshRPMS URL in your FreshRPMS.repo file. Having said that the URL still seems to be ok, i.e. http://ayo.freshrpms.net/fedora/linux/5/ppc/freshrpms/
You can check this by pasting it into your browser. Recheck your FreshRPMS.repo file and make sure you got the URL correct. If that doesn't work I can't really point to a fix. You can move forward by removing the FreshRPMS.repo file altogether ... I believe you may still be able to install VLC without it, but that's just from memory.
I don't know if this may have anything to do with it but when I open the URL, it tells me it doesn't have any style information. Is this the same as not recognising he file extension.
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
Cheers Shane
The style information it's referring to is most likely an XSL or XSLT document (these can be used to convert XML into something else like HTML or a pdf or technically anything you want) However, raw XML should be just fine in this case.
So you're opening the URL in Firefox from your Linux installation? I ask because when I open the URL from Firefox on my PC there's no XML to be seen. Which URL are you opening? Can you paste it in a comment?
Hi Shane,
Please see Wolf's comment above, I think this should sort your problem out.
Thanks Wolf!
Shane if this works post a comment and I'll update the blog.
Thank Wolf & Raj for your time, I seem to be back to square one. I am getting the following come up whwn searching for yumex
[root@localhost ~]# yum search yumex
Loading "installonlyn" plugin
Searching Packages:
Setting up repositories
base [1/5]
not using ftp, http[s], or file for repos, skipping - HTML HEAD META HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" CONTENT="0" URL="http://www.terrasoftsolutions.com/resources/yd50-base-mlist" HEAD BODY
not using ftp, http[s], or file for repos, skipping - /BODY /HTML
http://ftp.yellowdoglinux.com/pub/yellowdog/yum/5.0/base/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 12] Timeout: urlopen error timed out>
Trying other mirror.
Cannot open/read repomd.xml file for repository: base
failure: repodata/repomd.xml from base: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
Error: failure: repodata/repomd.xml from base: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
[root@localhost ~]#
Raj, the URL I have entered is in fire fox under linux
I have chopped and change things that much would you recommend formating and starting again or would that be a waste of time.
cheers shane
Hi Shane,
What instructions did you follow to install Yellowdog?
I have a directory on a flash drive called
PS3 and in that directory I have another directory called otheros in that 2 files
otheros.bld and otheros.self. In PS3 OS I install other OS and make default OS (otherOS)
Reboot PS3 with yellowdog DVD
follow onscreen instructions and here I am. I have then change reps as per your directions.
I'm willing to start from scratch if you have a better way of installing yellowdog.
Should I consider installing YDL 5.1
Hi Shane,
Can you otherwise surf with no problems using Firefox on Yellowdog under PS3? i.e. Can you access google etc without any problems?
Also are you running under Gnome or Enlightenment?
Are you currently running Yellowdog 5.0?
Running YDL 5.0
Firefox no problems
all communication has been with YDL
under Gnome.
All I am trying to do is run a MP3 player under linux accesing my network harddrive.
Having no problems seeing files under networks. Is VLC what I am looking for
Getting close to giving up
Hi Shane,
I'll take a look at my own configuration to see if one of the Repo providers changed something. This would be strange but it's possible.
In any case, good luck with the MP3 challenge. I started looking into that, specifically I wanted a player that could pick up the DAAP protocol. Rhythmbox was supposed to do that but it didn't work for me.
Thank you for the great tutorial, it really helped!
I have a problem with Xine on PS3. It produces distorted sound. Is there a way to fix it?
I have the same problem with Xine. So far I haven't investigated it. I'm actually waiting for something to be done about giving Linux access to the PS3 video card rather than the Virtual Card it's using at the moment.
Scrap that first help, this one just kickstarted mine something fierce :|
Get yourself into network settings (System - Administration - Network), and manually set everything, IP, subnet, gateway, ESPECIALLY DNS (Cant stress this one enough, set DNS IP from ISP server....not the or whatnot).
Takes a little trial and error, but once you get the right combo, YUM absolutely flew here and no probs thus far :D (Hope it helps, if in doubt, can always check google on how to set all that :D)
when i type yum search yumex ito terminal it says cannot find a valid baseur1 for repo: fedora-extras. Any one know why it says this.
yumex.noarch 1.0.3-3.0.fc5 installed
Matched from:
It seems that this has become a
dead link.I have been searching for an alternate place to find the Yumex download,but all my searches
keep refering me back to that
link.So I have yet been able to set up Yumex.Can anyone help me here?
im having a problem with install, when i am about to install everything goes fine until. i get this message
failure: repodata/repomd.xml from ydl-extras: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
how can i change this?
THANKS it helped alot, more than my boys in india at the call centres. thanks
Raj: I'm new to the Linux community and this was a very nice guide! Good work! Setting up yum correctly really is the key. Installed vlc with some small modifications to your guide.
Wolf: Why setting DNS correctly is important: the DNS server you are using is mapping the url:s you type to ip addresses. Without a correct DNS server entered you wont be able to type url:s in your .repo-files or your browser either for that matter. To clarify, if you would remember all the ip addresses to the url:s you are using, you wouldn't need a DNS server.
TCIB: To get it to play DVDs, you need to mount the DVD drive. See any Linux tutorial for mounting drives. It's way easier than installing VLC :)
My next step will be to auto-mount the DVD drive. And then there are a lot of interesting steps ahead. :)
Again, thanks for the nice guide, Raj!
Glad this guide is still proving useful. If specific parts of the guide are becoming outdated please let me know and I'll make corrections. Perhaps I should Wiki this instead ;-)
Thanks again
Thanks for the instructions they were great.
But I am having a problem now. I have installed both mplayer and VLC. The icons are visiable in the Audio&Video folder, but when they are selected nothing happens. So i tried opening them through Terminal and i get the following message.
[root@localhost~]# vlc
vlc: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/libfaac.so.0: ELF file data encoding not big-endian
Any help would be appreciated.
Hey Raj, guide worked for me cheers! Maybe you could make it clearer for us real idiots about logginf in as the root profile, i had to read the comments to know what you were talking about! Thanks again
For those of you who had trouble finding VLC in the scroll-down menu in Enlightment, use GNOME instead, it's way more handy. I did the following to create a desktop icon for vlc (or any other software):
Right-Click on the Desktop
Select Create Launcher
Enter: "VLC" (or whatever you want) for Name
Enter: "/usr/bin/vlc" for Command
Enter: /usr/share/pixmaps/vlc.png (or whatever picture you want) for Icon
Have anyone been able to get VLC/MPlayer to play HD material without distorsions?
thanks everyone it worked like a charm
For those who get "No Matches found" at "yum install yumex":
You have to do "yum install yumex" before you change the "enabled=1" in Fedora-Extras.repo back to "enabled=0". Maybe that's yourproblem.
finallz i was able to download and install Zumex and even use ist. But when i trz to install VLC he tells me a lot of stuff - e.g.:
....---> Package libdvdread.ppc 0:0.9.7-2.fc5 set to be updated
---> Downloading header for arts to pack into transaction set.
Preparing for install/remove/update
--> Preparing for install
--> Preparing for remove
--> Preparing for a partial update
--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait.
---> Package videolan-client.ppc 0:0.8.5-2.fc5.fc5 set to be updated
--> Running transaction check
--> Processing Dependency: libmad.so.0 for package: videolan-client
--> Processing Dependency: libmp3lame.so.0 for package: videolan-client...
but then he tells me this:
failure: RPMS/arts-1.5.7-0.1.ppc.rpm from updates: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
and i have no clue why that is. I NEED HELP :-)!!!!
Great Tut, VLC & Mplayer working on my PS3, Many Thanks
When I refresh after checking the ydl-extras repo in yumex I get the following error message in Output View:
Cannot open/read repomd.xml file for repository: ydl extras
failure: repodata/repomd.xml from ydl-extras: [Error 256] No more mirrors to try.
Any clues what may be wrong here?
Hi..... Thanks so Much Raj...im geting new Experience & Experiment too...
hey b there to help...:)
if i do smthing for u..let me know
my self Ajay Kumar, from Delhi
mailid: ajayabhay@rediffmail.com
Keep Experimenting & Innovative
I get this error message when i Process Queue:
Missing Dependency: libfribidi.so.0 is needed by package videolan-client
Missing Dependency: libartsc.so.0 is needed by package videolan-client
How can i fix this? It doesn't say it was a successfull install.
first of all thanks to this post you made, everything is detailed and easy to follow.
I've followed all your instructions correctly upto the 'yum search yumex' command, but then I'm stuck on it.
I tried running the command 'yum search yumex' but I always end up getting 'No Match Found' at the end of the yum process.
[root@localhost ~]# yum search yumex
Loading "installonlyn" plugin
Searching Packages:
Setting up repositories
base [1/4]updates [2/4]freshrpms [3/4]extras [4/4]Reading repository metadata in from local files
No Matches found
Please help =(, thanks in advance
Hey Vash,
Does the comment from []D [] []V[] []D help?
Hi Raj,
Thanks for all the great info. I followed all steps until the end. Then when I type yumex in the terminal I get
ImportError: cannot import name IncludingConfigParser
Any idea what that can be? I'm so close...
Sorry Catalin, I have no idea. I googled the problem and it seems like a tough one to solve. If this is a PS3 installation I would probably start again. If not ... I honestly have no clue ... sorry.
Hi all,
I have the same problem as catalin. has anyone found out how to solve this problem? The complete error message is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/yumex/yumexmain.py", line 35, in ?
import yumex.yumexConst as const
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/yumex/__init__.py", line 30, in ?
from yumexDialogs import *
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/yumex/yumexDialogs.py", line 29, in ?
from yumex.yumexUtils import *
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/yumex/yumexUtils.py", line 38, in ?
from yum.parser import IncludingConfigParser
ImportError: cannot import name IncludingConfigParser
I´ll send a german beer to anyone who could help me (us)!
Thanks in advance!
I have the same problem as Catalin and Hoenrni1000:
ImportError: cannot import name IncludingConfigParser
does anyone know how to solve this?
I'm not sure if this will help but it seems to be working for me. I had been spending hours trying to figure out why yumex isn't working for me after typing "yumex" in terminal.
My PS3 is running YDL 6.0 so I figured if I changed "5" to "6" from few repos in /etc/yum.repos.d
For example from Fedora-Extras.repo:
name=Fedora Extras
name=Fedora Extras
So, do the same for others (livna.repo and freshrpms.repo). Before you type yum search yumex, change enabled=0 to enabled=1 in Fedora-Extras.repo.
After you do yum search yumex, it'll find new version, then type yum install yumex to update it. After that, you can change enabled=1 back to enabled=0 in Fedora-Extras.repo.
Then type yumex, GUI should show up. Hope it works for you guys who's having some problems.
AVG said...
Thank you for the great tutorial, it really helped!
I have a problem with Xine on PS3. It produces distorted sound. Is there a way to fix it?
May 16, 2007 9:57 PM
Ihave just the same problem. Vlc plays quite fine vidoeso but subtitles doesnt work. Mplayer plays videos also but subtitles are 10 seconds too early
Rob, your a genius. there is a newer version in the 6 repos, i also set my livna to 9 instead of 6, i dont know if that helps any, just know that they do have a 9 available. but i will let you know if i ever have any problems with anything.
I couldn't get VLC to launch
So i look for anwsers...
When lauching from menu nothing happens.
when launching from terminal : error with a library that couldn't be opened found (sorry for lack of precision)
The problem is about this library that is not named correctly.
So look in usr/lib/ and rename it as the one vlc look for.
it was something like libdthing-glib 1. to 2.0.0
(sorry for bad name) and rename to the vlc's
It works...
Sorry i am no Linux user but i am sure this will help.
Ps3 YDL 6 VLC 0.8.5
As a result it works but .mkv is artifact and super choppy... :(
maybe i should try 0.8.6 but pffff.
take care guys.
great work guys but i have a problem to run yumex so need ur help
wenn i try to run yumex
[root@dhcppc4 ~]# yum install yumex
Loading "installonlyn" plugin
Setting up Install Process
Parsing package install arguments
Nothing to do
[root@dhcppc4 ~]# yumex
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/yumex/yumexmain.py", line 35, in ?
import yumex.yumexConst as const
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/yumex/__init__.py", line 30, in ?
from yumexDialogs import *
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/yumex/yumexDialogs.py", line 29, in ?
from yumex.yumexUtils import *
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/yumex/yumexUtils.py", line 38, in ?
from yum.parser import IncludingConfigParser
ImportError: cannot import name IncludingConfigParser
[root@dhcppc4 ~]#
if u have trouble running yumex, follow these steps:
install yumex as shown in this blog... donot change the feodra-extras repository to 6 just just yet. if, after following these steps u have problems running yumex, its probably coz u have YDL 6.
now, all u need to do is update ur yumex and python, you can do this from the Software Updater and ONLY SELECT THE UPDATES FOR YUMEX AND PYTHON
Cheers for the guide dude
Everything didnt go exactly as predicted above, but I got there in the end.
Hey - I am REALLY far into this process on my ps3 - but now I've hit a problem I have no idea what to do about. I'm at the stage where you search for vlc in yum, and then process it in the queue, and it starts working, but then it comes across this huge error telling me I'm missing like 500 packages, mainly libwx type stuff. Has anyone else encountered this? What do I do?
hey i'm a linux noob and i'm having issues trying to run yumex on yellow dog 6. i have followed all the steps ( even the ones specifically for yd6) this is the error that keep popping up when i try to run yumex in terminal
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/yumex/yumexmain.py", line 35, in ?
import yumex.yumexConst as const
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/yumex/__init__.py", line 30, in ?
from yumexDialogs import *
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/yumex/yumexDialogs.py", line 29, in ?
from yumex.yumexUtils import *
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/yumex/yumexUtils.py", line 38, in ?
from yum.parser import IncludingConfigParser
ImportError: cannot import name IncludingConfigParser
Please help!!!
send help to corona808@yahoo.com because i'm not sure when i'll be back in this forum. Thanks in advance!!!
I've got the exact same issue as Bobby above me...with ydl 6.1??? if that matters
Tried all the advice after roberto on 4/11 - anyone have any other insights?
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